Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wondering How To Become A Pilot in India Steps, Types Salary

Wondering How To Become A Pilot in India Steps, Types Salary How To Become A Pilot in India: Steps, Types Salary7 min read Read ­ing Time: 6 min ­utesAre you dream ­ing about touch ­ing the skies and fly ­ing amongst the clouds? Do you want to make a pro ­fes ­sion in pro ­tect ­ing and serv ­ing the coun ­try? Then your research is over, in this guide we are going to cov ­er all the details about “How to become a Pilot in India” So aim ­ing to become a pilot is some ­thing most of us dream of since child ­hood. Look ­ing at the planes in the sky fly ­ing amid the clouds, the hap ­pi ­ness it gave us to even see an air ­plane fly ­ing in the sky makes us hap ­py. But it comes with major respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties; as pilots have to ensure the safe ­ty of thou ­sands of pas ­sen ­gers. Prepar ­ing for this career requires thou ­sands of hours of prac ­tice to become an expe ­ri ­enced pilot. Click here to find a com ­plete guide on how to search for jobs online. How to Become a Pilot in India Steps to Become a Pilot in India Types of Pilots their Roles Salary Prospects Perks of a Pilot Know “How to Become a Pilot in India” There are two routes that enable one to become a pilot in India: Civ ­il Avi ­a ­tion (Com ­mer ­cial Pilot) Indi ­an Air Forces (Nation ­al Defence Acad ­e ­my) Steps To Become A Commercial Pilot A Com ­mer ­cial Pilot flies a spe ­cial air ­craft for an air ­line and holds a com ­mer ­cial pilot cer ­tifi ­cate issued by an author ­i ­ty. In India, the author ­i ­ty is the Direc ­torate Gen ­er ­al of Civ ­il Avi ­a ­tion (DGCA). Qualification In order to become a com ­mer ­cial pilot, you need to clear 12th in sci ­ence stream with Physics, Chem ­istry, and Maths being com ­pul ­so ­ry sub ­jects. Apart from hav ­ing a high ­er sec ­ondary cer ­tifi ­cate, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in air ­craft oper ­a ­tion, avi ­a ­tion, aero ­nau ­ti ­cal engi ­neer ­ing, or oth ­er relat ­ed fields. Fur ­ther ­more, it is nec ­es ­sary for you to go through pilot train ­ing. This includes 2 months of ground train ­ing and will require more than 1500 hrs of flight expe ­ri ­ence. The min ­i ­mum age required to become a pilot in India is 17 years and the max ­i ­mum is 60â€"65 years. Every train ­ing insti ­tute has its respec ­tive spec ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions con ­cern ­ing phys ­i ­cal fit ­ness, as well as eye ­sight. Check out com ­plete list of Air ­port Jobs in India Skills Required If you want to become a pro ­fes ­sion ­al pilot in India you need years of flight train ­ing, edu ­ca ­tion, license and at least 10 years of work expe ­ri ­ence. For this, you require: Quick reac ­tion time Abil ­i ­ty to man ­age high work ­loads Good psy ­cho ­log ­i ­cal and phys ­i ­cal health com ­pas ­sion Strong work ethics Prob ­lem-solv ­ing skills Knowl ­edge of the onboard sys ­tem and the abil ­i ­ty to mon ­i ­tor them Certification To become a pilot, it requires an ATP(Airline Trans ­porta ­tion Pilot) cer ­ti ­fi ­ca ­tion course for which you need a flight school.Typ ­i ­cal ­ly, it’s eas ­i ­er to become a com ­mer ­cial pilot than an air ­line pilot. Because of this, many air ­line pilots start their careers as com ­mer ­cial pilots. To be a pilot you need a Fed ­er ­al Avi ­a ­tion Admin ­is ­tra ­tion (FAA). To be an air ­line pilot, you’ll need an addi ­tion ­al doc ­u ­ment known as an Air ­line Trans ­port Pilot (ATP) cer ­tifi ­cate. This is also issued by the FAA. ITobe eli ­gi ­ble, you need to log in a bare min ­i ­mum of 250 fly ­ing hours. You can achieve this via flight school or by mil ­i ­tary train ­ing, or prac ­tic ­ing with an FAA-cer ­ti ­fied instruc ­tor. After all the prac ­tic ­ing now it’s time to clear the writ ­ten exam to become a licensed pilot. Your test will be checked by a med ­ical exam ­in ­er who will also be an FAA instruc ­tor. The min ­i ­mum age to apply for Pilot License, are as fol ­lows: Stu ­dent Pilot License- 16 years Pri ­vate Pilot License- 17 years Com ­mer ­cial Pilot License- 18 years This license lets you get fly ­ing train ­ing as well as per ­mits you to take off flights on glid ­ers or small planes pro ­vid ­ed by approved fly ­ing clubs of the coun ­try. Are you plan ­ning to start your career as an air host ­ess? Read about the avail ­able train ­ing cours ­es from var ­i ­ous insti ­tutes, qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions required, job prospects, and salary. Steps to Become a Pilot in NDA: If you want to become a pilot after 12th, then join ­ing the Indi ­an Air ­force is a great option. Not only do you get free pilot train ­ing but also you get to serve your nation as well as get hand ­some ­ly paid dur ­ing your train ­ing itself. To qual ­i ­fy for the NDA (Nation ­al Defence Acad ­e ­my) you need to clear the entrance exam, fol ­lowed by the inter ­view, apti ­tude test as well as a med ­ical test. Minimum Eligibility NDA allows you to be a part of this esteemed insti ­tu ­tion right after you fin ­ish your high ­er sec ­ondary. The min ­i ­mum age to apply is 16 ½ and the max ­i ­mum age is 19 years. How ­ev ­er, only male can ­di ­dates can apply for NDA. While apply ­ing for this entry you should have cleared 10+2 with Physics and Math ­e ­mat ­ics. Stu ­dents appear ­ing in the final year of their col ­lege are also eli ­gi ­ble to apply. Job Opportunities So, now it’s time to fly in the sky and live your dreams. But do you know air ­line com ­pa ­nies don’t hire inex ­pe ­ri ­enced pilots? Before you start work ­ing with big firms you should have at least 4,000 hours of fly ­ing expe ­ri ­ence. What pilots usu ­al ­ly do is that they start work ­ing as a co-pilot and obtain work expe ­ri ­ence. Pilots can also begin their careers in emer ­gency ser ­vices, agri ­cul ­ture or refor ­esta ­tion. Some also start their careers fly ­ing char ­ter planes or heli ­copters before start ­ing to work with com ­mer ­cial air ­lines. Some start as flight instruc ­tors while con ­tin ­u ­ing to learn and become more effi ­cient fly ­ers. After 5â€"15 years of work expe ­ri ­ence, you will be eli ­gi ­ble to become a cap ­tain. Types of Pilots Their Roles: As we know, no two flights are the same, you might have to man ­age dif ­fer ­ent mod ­els of air ­craft through vary ­ing weath ­er con ­di ­tions. The same goes for the pilots, there are dif ­fer ­ent types of pilots avail ­able. These pilots can work with com ­mer ­cial air ­lines, gov ­ern ­ment depart ­ments as well as in pri ­vate sec ­tors. Before you start your career you should know what type of pilot you want to become. So here is a brief list of some of the pop ­u ­lar and well-known career options that are avail ­able for you- Airline Pilot: An air ­line pilot is the one who con ­trols the flight of an air ­craft by oper ­at ­ing its direc ­tion ­al flight con ­trols and per ­form duties like trans ­port ­ing sup ­plies and pas ­sen ­gers. You’ll fly pas ­sen ­gers or car ­go on long or short flights for leisure, busi ­ness or com ­mer ­cial pur ­pos ­es. There are two pilots; one will be the cap ­tain and the oth ­er will be the sup ­port ­ing first offi ­cer. There is a high lev ­el of stress and respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ty involved in com ­mand ­ing air ­craft under dif ­fer ­ent weath ­er con ­di ­tions and in var ­i ­ous dif ­fi ­cult sit ­u ­a ­tions. Also, dis ­cov ­er some of the top high pay ­ing jobs in Indiafor Fresh ­ers and Expe ­ri ­enced. Corporate Pilot: Cor ­po ­rate pilots are the ones who fly pri ­vate busi ­ness air ­craft. They fly a wide vari ­ety of air ­craft and are expect ­ed to fly any ­where around the world. These pilots are usu ­al ­ly very expe ­ri ­enced and can fly almost any kind of air ­craft. Regional Pilot: A region ­al air ­line pilot trans ­ports pas ­sen ­gers and car ­go for short ­er dis ­tances than major air ­line pilots. They car ­ry between 20â€"70 pas ­sen ­gers, depend ­ing on the size and type of planes the air ­line uses. Medical Transport Pilot: These type of pilots flies peo ­ple who need med ­ical emer ­gency which is restrict ­ed in a reg ­u ­lar air ­line. These air ­planes are con ­nect ­ed with life-sav ­ing devices and nurs ­es, doc ­tors can accom ­pa ­ny the patient dur ­ing trans ­porta ­tion. Fire Fighting Pilot: Fire fight ­ing pilots are also iden ­ti ­fied as air tanker pilots. Their work is to drop fire retar ­dant from a fixed-wing air ­craft to sup ­press and con ­tain wild ­fires. Lead plane pilot: Lead plane pilots are relat ­ed to fire ­fight ­ers, they man ­age the next set of attacks towards a wild ­fire. The plane flies usu ­al ­ly at much high ­er alti ­tudes than the fire ­fight ­ing air ­craft and spot air ­craft while they make water drops. Border Patrol Pilots: The bor ­der patrol pilots fly up and down in the air to pro ­tect our nation’s bor ­ders from ter ­ror ­ism, drug smug ­gling, ille ­gal migra ­tion, etc. Simul ­ta ­ne ­ous ­ly they facil ­i ­tate the flow of legit ­i ­mate trav ­el as well as trade. They report it to ground patrol units that can inves ­ti ­gate any prob ­lem. They fly at low alti ­tudes and are respon ­si ­ble for secur ­ing the Nation’s bor ­ders. Salary Prospects Perks after becoming a Pilot: Now, you must be won ­der ­ing about the “Pilot Salary In India”? Air ­line pilots earn on an aver ­age of 3,00,000 to 8,00,000 per month and this most ­ly depends on the air ­line firm you are work ­ing for. Most pilots, espe ­cial ­ly com ­mer ­cial air ­line pilots, receive lots of ben ­e ­fits includ ­ing health, life, vision, and den ­tal insur ­ance as well as retire ­ment plans. With this, they also get paid vaca ­tion time which increas ­es year by year. You get to trav ­el the world while being paid a fat pay ­check every month. You get accom ­mo ­da ­tion in some of the fan ­ci ­est hotels across the globe, you get free tick ­ets for your ­self and your fam ­i ­ly, some ­times even first class. Every ­thing is paid by the orga ­ni ­za ­tion. Excit ­ed to know more about pilots? Find here the list of All-time Great Pilots! The road to a career in avi ­a ­tion is not an easy one, many peo ­ple think that becom ­ing a pilot is all about the whop ­ping salaries, com ­pli ­men ­ta ­ry tick ­ets, and lux ­u ­ri ­ous life. how to become a pilothow to become a pilot after 12thhow to become a pilot in india

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